Glad to hear that you are interested in getting more involved! A great starting point is to join the CIRCUSOL Network.

The CIRCUSOL Network is informal and flexible. There is no membership fee. It is open to anyone who is interested in the outcome of CIRCUSOL or in potential collaboration with CIRCUSOL. There can be many different ways to interact with CIRCUSOL, ranging from simply staying tuned (e.g. receiving CIRCUSOL newsletters), to participating in CIRCUSOL events and workshops, to exchanging knowledge, providing feedback, collaborating in dissemination, carrying out replication..., the possibilities are unlimited. Depending on your interest, we can define together the interactions which will be most mutually fulfilling. confidentiality agreements can be arranged on an ad-hoc basis.

You can become part of the CIRCUSOL Network by completing the sign-up form below.
We look forward to welcoming you along this exciting journey!

Your data will be shared within the consortium for use in CIRCUSOL only.  For more details, please read our privacy policy.

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