CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in Europe (PRESS RELEASE)
CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in…
CIRCUSOL's team took part to the Second World Circular Economy Forum -WCEF2018- which took place from 22 to 24 October In Yokohama, Japan. This high level event gathered more than 1,000 government officials, international institutions and policy makers as well as Industries and SMEs, researchers, civil society organisations and citizens initiatives to discuss new opportunities for circular economy to gain a competitive advantage and contribute to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, CIRCUSOL's action supports the achievement of SDG7: "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all" and SDG12: "Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns".
The Forum hosted by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and Japan’s Ministry of the Environment presented some of the worlds' best circular economy solutions while working on the definition of a common "Circular Visions towards 2050". Throughout the two days, policy makers, international scientific and industrial experts discussed key topics such as the economic benefits and social equity of the circular economy, energy and climate solutions for a circular economy, global value chains and circular trade, as well as mobility revolution for a circular economy and circular solutions for reducing plastic waste.
The Forum saw several key interventions such as EU Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment & Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen, stating in his opening speech that "Circular economy is the way industry can tackle climate change" and emphasizing the need to promote a cooperative approach especially with the private sector in order to tackle climate change.
EU Commission Vice-Président Jyrki Katainen, 22 October 2018, ©European Commission
Former European Commissioner for Environment, Janez Potočnik further highlighted the importance of circular economy, declaring that "In 2014 Circular Economy was the future for few. Today Circular Economy is reality for many”.
Representing CIRCUSOL at WCEF18, Project Coordinator Ms. Ke Wang -VITO- and Mr. Karel Derveaux -Ecopower- participated in the side event organised by EASME "EU Going Global: Innovative Solutions for Circular Services" during which they presented CIRCUSOL project together with 9 other EU Innovation projects funded under Horizon 2020. This event was a great opportunity to network, exchange and create synergies between CIRCUSOL and other European projects involved in circular economy in the field of resource efficiency, mobility, re-use and remanufacturing, lifecycle of products, electric and electronic services, urban construction and housing sectors and water systems.
Ke Wang at the EASME Side-event, 24 October 2018
CIRCUSOL's team had the opportunity to meet with C-SERVEES project, which aims at boosting resource efficiency in the electrical and electronics sector and discussed block-chain-based data and information sharing protocols for circular economy. Further exchanges took place on second-life battery certification and application with the CarE-Service project, which focuses on advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services for hybrid and electric vehicles. Other fruitful discussions with the participants about circular economy businesses include communication strategies towards the end users; challenges related to financing and regulation. Consortia also discussed potential replication and adaptation opportunities of the circular service model in Asia, as well as circular product design and production given Asia's key manufacturing role. Following those discussions, CIRCUSOL's consortium will reflect on how to efficiently draw synergies, gather best practices and develop potential collaborations with the projects represented at the side event.
The Forum therefore provided a great opportunity to present CIRCUSOL's project and eventually closed its doors with Finland and Japan ministers renewing their commitment to advance circular economy at their upcoming presidencies of the EU and G20. Next World Circular Economy Forum will take place from 3 to 5 June 2019 in Helsinki.
For further information:
Susana Garayoa
CIRCUSOL Communication Manager
E • sgarayoa@zabala.es
T • +34 948 198 000 • +34 673 009 336 (Mobile)
CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in…
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