CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in Europe (PRESS RELEASE)
CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in…
Nancy Bocken from Maastricht University and Lars Strupeit from Lund University represented CIRCUSOL at the 5th International Online Conference on New Business Models on 1-2 July 2020.
The conference attracted some keynotes providing retrospective and future-oriented perspectives on new business models. Furthermore, all participants from the previous four years were invited. The aim was to provide recommendations for future research and design a Research Agenda that will lay the foundation for the five years ahead (2020-2025). Chairs and sessions focused on the future of individual themes. Tracks aimed to converge towards the building blocks of a (preliminary) research agenda, at a detailed level. During the closure of the conference, a concise overview of research topics, forming a research agenda was presented.
CIRCUSOL partners presented a paper on
CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in…