CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in Europe (PRESS RELEASE)
CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in…
In recent years there has been an ever-growing deployment of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. This is a good thing as solar energy is considered to be one of the most promising forms of renewable energy sources contributing to CO2 reduction targets. However, as the PV market grows, so will its demand for raw materials, as well as its waste output and related pollution. Lifetime extension of products, components and materials, realised via reuse and repair is one of the cornerstones of a circular economy – a concept with vast potential for pollution mitigation.
Also, the lifetime extension of PV via reuse is expected to provide environmental benefits. This is confirmed by environmental impact analyses conducted within the CIRCUSOL project (applying lifecycle assessment methodologies). There is a positive case for the lifetime extension of solar PVs. The overall environmental impact per kWh generated is minimized by keeping PV panels in use until the end of their technical lifespan, instead of replacing them with more efficient, new ones. This conclusion also holds for impact categories specifically related to pollution, like climate change, particulate matter, human toxicity, ionizing radiation, acidification, eutrophication etc...
Now, how do we realize circularity in the solar PV sector? The solution lies in a better collaboration of all actors in the supply chain. This is what we want to show and discuss in the CIRCUSOL event: Circular supply chains: Reducing pollution and waste through cooperation on the 10th of June 2021 at 15:00.
Introduction - 10 min
Naoko Tojo, Lund University
Anse Smeets, VITO: Environmental assessment of PV and reducing the pollution
Main presentations - 20 min
1. The circularity of solar PV - Tadas Radavičius, SoliTek
2. Waste reduction - Arvid van der Heide, Imec
3. The transition from a waste society to a circular society - Wolfram Palitzsch, LuxChemtech
4. Solar circular supply chain from service providers’ point of view – Lisa Wendzich, SunCrafter
Panel discussion – 30 min
Moderator: Naoko Tojo, Lund University
CIRCUSOL: Solar power business models towards a circular economy in…